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Menstrual Disorders

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is incredibly effective for gynaecological conditions and regulating disorders of the menstrual cycle. In the treatment of female fertility, the primary focus for treatment is in menstruation and ovulation.

A variety of gynaecological disorders can cause sub-fertility or infertility in women that are not recognised in Western medicine. For example, painful periods are a common ailment for many women, but this does not mean however, that it is ‘normal’ to experience the disorder. In fact, dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation) is one example of a menstrual disorder that is viewed in TCM as a sign of a much deeper internal syndrome that contributes to a woman’s subfertility. It is vital clinical practice in the TCM clinic to achieve healthy menses and ovulation, that is, where both aspects are consistently regular, timely and pain-free; this is of foremost importance.

Regulating the period and/or treating any gynaecological dysfunction is one of the most fundamentals aspects of fertility treatment in acupuncture and TCM. If you are looking to try for a baby and your periods are not consistently regular, timely and pain-free, treatment for regulating the menstrual cycle is the first and foremost aspect that must be addressed. Depending on the case, Chinese herbal medicine may also be adopted as part of the treatment.

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